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1月 12日 (土) 9:00 -9:45 pm

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TBA 大阪、2013年

Blog & Channeling

Intuition: Connecting with Your Soul

In this course, you will learn how to be in touch with your intuition, to trust it, to follow it, and to allow it to become a guiding force in your life. You will meet with your Soul, awaken your psychic ability, and learn how to recognize the intuitive guidance from your Soul. You will link with your Soul to transform areas of limitation and lack, and create a shift in your life.

Manifesting Your Heart's Desire

The course consists of two full day classes. You can attend Class I only, but attending Class I is required to attend Class II.
See Manifesting Your Heart's Desire page for detailed information on the Group Session.

Awakening Your Light Body

The course consists of three weekends (Friday through Sunday) over an eight month period. Two private sessions (long distance or in person) are prerequisitive to study this course. Attending all three weekends and completion of assignment are required to be certified graduate of the course.

Other courses that I am certified to teach are:

Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies
Randiance: Self-Exciting
Intuition: Opening to Your Natural Knowingness
Illumination: Awakening Your Higher Mind
Inspiration: Being Your Authentic Self
Awakening Your Light Body Expanded

These are originally taught by Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman at LuminEssence. If you are interested in learning them with me, please let me know.

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